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The story of our campaign:

The main idea of our integrated cause marketing campaign is to tell the story behind our cause to our target group. We want to tell a story in terms of showing our audience the negative impact our food consumption has on our environment and our world if we do not focus on environmental friendliness. By this means they experience the issue of unsustainable food consumption and realize the importance for change.

Zero Waste Küche
Our Story: Ãœber mich

During our research on our target group we identified various needs and connected fears that we want to address in our story:

Identified Needs: 

- Protect our environment 

- Change eating and consumption habits 

- Ensure lower food waste 

- Use fewer plastic 

- Reduce carbon footprint 

- Fight hunger 


Related fears of our target group:

- Environmental pollution

- Climate change

- Starvation 


Expected feelings in case of need fulfillment: 

- Feel better, happier, and safe 

- Ease of mind 

- Believe in the good parts of humanity 

- Feel healthier 

- Diligent 


Those various needs, however, can not be sufficiently addressed in one single social media post. Therefore, we decided to develop various photo posts each telling a story connected to solely one or a few of those identified needs.  


Our Story: Text

Our story telling campaign

As mentioned above we will develop various story telling campaigns for our social media platforms. Here is an example for one of them:

Plastic Polluted Ocean_edited.jpg
Our Story: Bild

Our story tells the story of a turtle called Cassiopeia who lives in the ocean and searches for food. However, due to our huge plastic waste for example of our food packaging she can only find a plastic bag instead of something that she can eat. As she is only a turtle which does not even produce plastic waste, she can not change anything about it, therefore, she asks our audience for their help. 


The story appeals to the emotion of guilt of our target group as it is a well known fact that turtles might die due to plastic bags swimming in the ocean. Therefore, by saying "because of YOU" the turtle makes our target group responsible for her death. 


In this way we want to illustrate the need to protect our environment by using fewer plastic to protect ocean animals. Likewise, we also relate our story to our target group's fear of environmental pollution and climate change. 


Moreover, we tell the story of Cassiopeia in order to teach our audience that they can no longer consume as much plastic as they currently do by visualizing this problematic issue of our everyday lives. If we do not focus on reducing packaging waste of our food, our ocean pollution will increase and turtles such as Cassiopeia will die. 

In this way we hope to change their mind and consequently their consumption. 

Our Story: Text
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