SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. SWOT Analysis is a simple tool that can help to analyze what the company does best right now, and to devise a successful strategy for the future. SWOT can also reveal areas of the business that are holding back, or that competitors could exploit.
Eco Friendly packaging
Improves health
Reduces methane gas
Creates some jobs
Minimize world hunger
Reduced garbage
Animal suffering is prevented
No centralized platform for accurate, actual, and transparent data about wasted food
Limited resources
We are unknown to Lidl - why should they work with us?
More and more people eat vegan -> demand increases
Multiply "Ocean Cleanup" Technology
People want to save the planet
Many organizations actively working on prevention, recovery, and recycling of wasted food
Society or companies have no incentives to be sustainable
Sustainable processes are considered to be charitable work
Impacts and outcomes take time to manifest
Sustainable consumption is only seen as a temporary trend